Karl Marx: A Biography

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Ausnahmegesetz gegen die Juden, 1808', Jahrbuch des kfflnischen Geschichts-
verein, xiv (1932).
9. K. Marx, 'The Eighteenth Brumaire of Louis Bonaparte', in K. Marx and F.
Engels, Selected Works (Moscow, 1935), 1 247 (hereinafter referred to as
10. Cf. E. Bernstein, Die neue Zeit (1898) p. 122.
11. See the text and comments on pp. 72 ff. below.
12. See particularly his remarks on Lassalle, pp. 292 ff. below.
13. This problem has given rise to a large literature that is interesting in its
speculations, but sparse in convincing conclusions. In English the two best
studies are: S. Bloom, 'Karl Marx and the Jews', Jewish Social Studies (1942),
and E. Silberner, 'Was Marx an Antisemite?', Judaica (1949). At greater
length there is a study which draws on all the available - and sometimes
unavailable - evidence to demonstrate Marx's anti-semitism and pathological
Jewish self-hate in A. Kiinzli's Karl Marx: Eine Psychographie (Vienna, 1966).
From the opposite point of view, A. Massiczek in Der Menschliche Mensch:
Karl Marx's jiidischer Humanismus (Vienna, 1968 ) argues that all the positive
elements in Marx's humanism came from his Jewish upbringing. A good all-
round discussion of the literature is H. Lamm, 'Karl Marx und das Judentum',
in Karl Marx 1818-1968 (Mainz, 1968).
14. Eleanor Marx, 'Karl Marx', Die neue Zeit (1883) p. 441.
15. Eleanor Marx to Wilhelm Liebknecht, in Reminiscences of Marx and Engels
(Moscow, n.d.) p. 130.
16. Quoted in B. Nicolaievsky and O. Maenchen-Helfen, La Vie de Karl Marx
(Paris, 1970 ) p. 19.
17. Heinrich Marx to Karl Marx, MEGA 1 i (2) 186.
18. The speech is reprinted in H. Monz, Karl Marx und Trier, p. 88.
19. Heinrich Marx to Karl Marx, MEGA 1 i (2) 205.
20. See further, H. Monz, 'Die rechtsethischen und rechtspolitischen Anschauun-
gen des Heinrich Marx', Archiv flir Sozialgeschichte (1968).
21. The house, then Briickengasse 664 , now Briickenstrasse 10 , has been turned
into a museum and library with numerous photographs, first editions and
originals of Marx's manuscripts.
22. It is now an optician's shop, Simeonstrasse 8 , in the main street beside the
Porta Nigra.
23. For more details, see H. Monz, 'Die soziale Lage der elterlichen Familie
von Karl Marx', in Karl Marx 1818-1968.
24. Eleanor Marx, 'Karl Marx. A Few Stray Notes', in Reminiscences of Marx and
Engels, p. 251.
25. Cf. C. GrUnberg, Archiv ftir die Geschichte des Sozialismus und der Arbeiter-
bewegung (1926) pp. 239 f.

  1. J. Goethe, Die Campagne des Frankreichs, 25 Oct 1792.

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