Karl Marx: A Biography

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  1. Cf. Heinrich Marx to Karl Marx, MEGA 1 i (2) 186.

  2. Eleanor Marx in Progress (London, May 1885).

  3. Marx to Engels, in K. Marx and F. Engels, Werke (Berlin, 1956 ff.), xxxiv
    87 (hereinafter referred to as ME IV).

  4. See C. Griinberg, 'Marx als Abiturient', Archiv fiir die Geschichte des Sozial-
    ismus und der Arbeiterbewegung, xi (1925) pp. 424 ff.

  5. First published in MEGA 1 i (2) 171 ff.

  6. MEGA 1 i (2) 171.

  7. MEGA 1 i (2) 174.

  8. Further on Kiipper, see W. Sens, Karl Marx. Seine irreligiose Entwicklung
    (Halle, 1935 ) pp. 13 f.

  9. MEGA 1 i (2)174.

  10. First published in MEGA 1 i (2) 164 ff. Translated in Writings of the Young
    Marx on Philosophy and Society, ed. L. Easton and K. Guddat (New York, 1967 )
    pp. 35 ff. (hereinafter referred to as Easton and Guddat).

  11. For striking parallels between Marx's essay and Rousseau's Emile, see the
    detailed commentary in G. Hillman, Marx and Hegel (Frankfurt-am-Main,
    1966 ) pp. 33 ff.

  12. MEGA 1 i (2)164; Easton and Guddat, pp. 35 f.

  13. MEGA 1 i (2) 165 ; Easton and Guddat, p. 37.

  14. See, for example, F. Mehring, Karl Marx, p. 5 ; A. Cornu, Karl Marx et
    Friedrich Engels (Paris, 1955 ) 1 64.

  15. MEGA 1 i (2) 166 ; Easton and Guddat, p. 38.

  16. MEGA 1 i (2) 166 f.; Easton and Guddat, pp. 38 f.

  17. Cf. A. Cornu, op. cit., 1 65 ; G. Mende, Karl Marx' Entwicklung vom revolution-
    en Demokraten zum Kommunisten, 3rd ed. (Berlin, i960) p. 26.

  18. MEGA 1 i (2) 167 ; Easton and Guddat, p. 39.

  19. Ibid.

  20. MEGA 1 i (2) 167.

  21. On the family tree in general, see Mehring, 'Die von Westphalen', Die neue
    Zeit, x (1891-2) 481 ff.

  22. That Marx married 'the girl next door' is a widespread, but unfortunately
    inaccurate, impression.

  23. Cf. the very small inheritance left by Jenny's mother in 1856. For this and
    other details, see H. Monz, 'Unbekannte Kapitel aus dem Leben der Familie
    Ludwig von Westphalen', Archiv fiir Sozialgeschichte (1968).

  24. Eleanor Marx, 'Karl Marx', Die neue Zeit (May 1883 ) p. 441.

  25. Heinrich Marx to Marx, MEW, Ergsbd. [suppl. vol.] 1 617.

  26. MEGA 1 i (2) 7.

  27. MEGA 1 i (2) 194.

  28. Ibid.

  29. Heinrich Marx to Marx, MEW, Ergsbd. 1 621.

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