meditation are essential for the development of your third eye. If
your schedule is such that your practice time is in the evening and
not in the morning, still try to keep the 5/10 minutes of morning
meditation at any cost, for they secure a reconnection of your
eye, which completely modifies your energy for the whole of the
Whatever format you decide to adopt for your practice, remember
that this part of the path has to do with building – subtle body
building. The more you practise, the quicker the building will be
3.10 The mysteries of the space
While practising ISIS, the Clairvision techniques of regression, it is
not uncommon to re-experience the condition of the embryo
during the very first days that follow conception. The foetus can
be felt ‘bathing’ in the purple space. The purple space is all around
it, like a sea. The embryo is very tiny and the space around is felt
to be immense. This space is no different from the purple space
that you perceive in your eye, in the fourth and fifth phases of
the third eye meditation.
To the embryo the space is outside, all around itself. But to us, the
same space is inside. To enter the space we have to withdraw inside
and go through the portal of the third eye. In the Upanishads, a
human being is compared to a city with ten gates. Nine of these
gates lead outside and only one leads inside. The nine external gates
are the two eyes, the two ears, the two nostrils, the mouth, the
anus and the generative organ. The tenth gate is the third eye, or
ājñā-cakra, which does not open into the external world but into
the inner space.
So what was outside for the embryo is now inside for us. During
the embryological processes that build up the foetus, an
internalization of the astral space has taken place. It is a
fascinating reversal, through which the inside becomes the outside
and the outside becomes the inside. And at death the opposite takes
place: the individual reintegrates into the space.
This leads us to a deeper understanding of the word ‘existence’,
used to describe the period of life on Earth. In Latin, ex means
out, and sistere means to take position. Existence therefore means
to take position out, that is, to exit from the space. Existence is
the temporary exit from the space that we experience between
birth and death.