Hidden Nature

(Dana P.) #1
Costa Rica, a recent study showed that for every beef carcass
exported, 2 1/2 tonnes of top soil were irretrievably lost through ero-
sion. For a year's food, a meat eater requires the produce from about
1.6 acres, a vegetarian only 0.66 acres. (These are good arguments
for switching to vegetarianism).

The role of subtle energies in nature

As you may remember from our discussion of energies in Chapter
2, though our physical existence and ordinary level of conscious-
ness are based in a material third dimensional world, our psyche
and our spiritual nature can be influenced by energies from the
fourth to the sixth dimensions. Some people more than others are
attuned to these immaterial energies. Viktor Schauberger undoubt-
edly was, as were other visionaries, such as Goethe and Rudolf
Although Earth is called a third dimensional environment, all
life and creativity is fundamentally dependent on fourth and fifth
dimensional energies. Viktor Schauberger identified these aspects
of the Sun's fertilizing role (the spiritual driving force of life),
according to their different purposes in Nature (as described in
Chapter 2). Dynagens generate higher intrinsic energy; fructigens
are those subtle energies that produce greater fertility; qualigens
create greater quality. Schauberger believed that there was no more
powerful way to stimulate high quality growth than by seeding
these dynamic energies directly on the soil. As in any area of creativ-
ity, the balance of the positive and negative, the male and female
energies are all-important.
The Tibetans, who had a practice to bury so-called 'treasure
vases,' knew long ago about the seeding of the soil with immaterial
energies in certain propitious places. Filled with precious stones
and metals, these containers were believed to discharge beneficial
energies that enhanced and protected the environment. The
Tibetans believed that gold and other precious metals were best left
undisturbed in the ground as they help to balance the earth energy,
just as the Hopis and the Australian aborigines regard places with
uranium as sacred.
Schauberger's vision was to create a greater abundance of cre-
ative animating energy, of fertility and rising quality. To do this
involved a process that sounds more alchemical than scientific. It


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