Hidden Nature

(Dana P.) #1


Fig. 17.3. Egg-shaped fermentation

required the mixture of small amounts of the male elements of sil-
ver, zinc and silicon, with the female gold, copper and limestone,
brought together in a special container. For the more precious ele-
ments, gold and silver, only a few particles will easily raise the qual-
ity of the resulting fermentation. The copper and zinc are in the
form of filings or powder.
As a container he used an egg-shaped fermentation chamber
scooped out of the ground about 2m (6 1/2ft) deep, and lined with
aluminium-bearing clay (Fig. 17.3). A wide range of organic mate-
rial, kitchen refuse, animal and human waste, as fresh as possible,
is now added, up to one third of the volume. The remaining space is
then filled with well-oxygenated, juvenile rainwater or surface
water, well exposed to the Sun. The top opening is now sealed, so
that energies emanating from the interaction of cosmic and
geospheric forces will not be dissipated. A bronze rod with a bio-
metal (silver plated copper) vortex-inducer driven by a small motor
is inserted through a hole in the cover.

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