Hidden Nature

(Dana P.) #1
The liquid is stirred in a clockwise (what Schauberger called 'plan-
etary') motion:

'Planetary motion' produces an inward spiralling of the liq-
uid, reducing the outward pressure on the peripheral wall-
surfaces, while cooling and densifying. This planetary
motion, or vortex, involves the natural, animating, cen-
tripetalizing acceleration of mass, which initiates higher-
grade fermentation processes of an invigorating nature in the
bipolar mixture of basic elements. The end-product is bio-
magnetism, a reproductive, regenerative and upwardly evolv-
ing form of energy.^5

As well as the biomagnetism there is produced a cooling towards
the pivotal +4°C (39°F) anomaly point due to the vortical move-
ment in the liquid. The egg-shape ensures that the particles are
thoroughly mixed and reduced to the smallest possible particles,
homeopathic in their effect, which Viktor notes:

In terms of homeopathic principles and attempts to produce
super-dilutions in order to still the 'specific' hunger of the
plants, the more dilute the fertilizing agent, the more it
approximates the character of the above ethericities, thus
facilitating further interactions that in turn result in
increased growth.^6

There is a mystical dimension to this process, which is like mixing
elements of Earth and Heaven. This produces a highly active negative
or fructigenic potency, which combines with the water, making it
crystal clear. It is also free of unattractive odours and indeed is sweet-
smelling, like Podolinsky's '500 mix.' Viktor Schauberger claimed the
fertilizer is so powerful, that two such fermentation chambers would
be sufficient to permeate the soil over several square kilometres with
fertile substances that will encourage germination.^7
Viktor compares this process to winemaking, where sweet and
turbid grape-juice matures into clear, relatively dry wine in a cool cel-
lar. The maturation of good wine, however, may take a year or more,
whereas this extraordinarily procreative liquid takes only two to three
nights to prepare, weather conditions permitting. When broadcast
over the fields in the evening, it absorbs the predominantly positive


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