Hidden Nature

(Dana P.) #1
successful U.S. saucer programme. The evidence, however, for visita-
tions by craft from extraterrestrial sources, and for the US govern-
ment's undercover research with recovered alien craft is rather more
tangible, despite continuing and complex official denials and disin-
formation campaigns.^3
Nick Cook, in his book The Hunt for Zero Point, comes to the con-
clusion that the giant aerospace industry is essentially conservative.
They could not take on the kind of anti-gravity research pioneered
by T.T. Brown in the late 1940s because they would have lost their
credibility within the science of aeronautics, and the industry
would have suffered.

What I have learned is that there are two kinds of science.
The stuff they teach you in college, and all the weird things
they don't. This knowledge is dangerous. It's change with a
capital C and it's not easy to get your head around. The aero-
space and defense industry says it likes people who think out
of the box, because they're the guys who give us the break-
throughs ... radar, the bomb, stealth and all that; but think
this far out and they look at you like you're crazy. They might
even put you away.^4

The other, often overlooked, reason for conservatism in technol-
ogy is the extent to which political and economic power is cen-
tred partly in transportation, but especially in the carbon fuel
industry. As long as there is plenty of oil to be pumped, why risk
destabilization of this power by investigating virtually free
energy sources that would inevitably bring with it much more
freedom for countless millions of people who are currently
dependent on the expensive central distribution of oil products
and electricity?

Schauberger's search for free energy

However, in July 2002 Jane's Defence Weekly announced that they
had seen secret research papers from Boeing, the aerospace giants,
confirming positive development of a Russian device — which
comprises rapidly spinning superconducting ceramic discs sus-
pended in the magnetic field of three electric coils enclosed in a low
temperature vessel.


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