Hidden Nature

(Dana P.) #1
The man behind this research is Dr Evgeny Podkletnov, a Russian
scientist then working in Finland. When he first published details of
his anti-gravity device in 1996, he was ostracized by his colleagues
and then fired by his university, for the Law of Gravity is inviolable!
He subsequently admitted that his father, a leading authority in
hydro-engineering, had acquired original Schauberger papers at the
end of the war.
The most creative pioneers of new scientific vision are essen-
tially practical people who have an urgent need to see their ideas
put into practice. Viktor Schauberger was no exception. Realizing
that the machines our technology has developed are not only very
inefficient, but that they are also largely responsible for the destruc-
tion of our environment, he set about designing appliances which
used Nature's creative methods, but which were capable also of pro-
ducing vastly more power at little cost.
Schauberger abandoned the Euclidean model of straight line
and circle. All the functional surfaces of his machines employ the
spirals, sinuosity and curves of the open forms of non-Euclidean
geometry that are found in Nature. The egg-shapes and spirals that
he employed produced life-affirming energies that stabilize,
enhance and rehabilitate natural processes.
When Schauberger designed his prototype machines it was
extremely difficult to perfect complex curvilinear surfaces. Now,
with computer programmes, it is possible with ease to replicate
Nature's eggs, spirals and vortices. A design breakthrough to
designing benevolent systems would be theoretically simple; what
is lacking is the insight and the imagination.
During the 1930s and 1940s, he developed a number of proto-
types: of a machine which produced high quality spring water, a
domestic air conditioning appliance, and various machines which
produced prodigious amounts of motive power. All these machines
worked on much the same principles, and had in common a virtu-
ally silent and inexpensive operation. All the important elements of
Nature's repertoire come into their own, such as male and female
ethericities, creative vortical movement, temperature gradients,
bioelectricism and biomagnetism. As Schauberger commented: At
the intersection of two temperature gradients atomic energy is
released. Whether it is a formative or destructive energy is deter-
mined in each case by the type of movement and the composition
of the alloys used to build the motion-producing machine.'^5


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