Hidden Nature

(Dana P.) #1
of the Earth.' Whether as water, blood or sap (which are essentially
water), it is the indispensable constituent of all life-forms, and its qual-
ity and temperature is fundamental to health. When it is healthy it has
a complex structure that enables it to communicate information, carry
energy, nutrients and healing, to self-cleanse and discharge wastes. He
believed that one of the causes of the disintegration of our culture is
our disrespect for and destruction of water, the bringer of life, for in
doing so we destroy life itself. Viktor also profoundly believed that our
dangerous technologies produce poor water that has lost its energy
and its ability to pulsate — and is effectively lifeless. This dead water
produces inadequate nutrition, and Viktor believed that its regressive
energies are responsible for degenerative diseases like cancer, for lower
intelligence and for community turmoil.
Natural forests (not the monoculture plantations of today) are
the cradle of water and also the main source of oxygen for the
planet. Their precipitate destruction, Schauberger predicted, would
result in global warming, severe water shortage and the creation of
deserts. He made brilliant observations of the way in which trees in
a natural, diversified environment are biocondensers of energy
(accumulating and storing energy from both Sun and Earth) —
how the groundwater (man permitting) brings Earth's energy to the
tree in order to balance the Sun's energy.

Motion is crucial

An understanding of motion may be the most important of
Schauberger's discoveries. Our current technology uses the wrong
form of motion. Our machines and processes channel agents such
as air, water, other liquids and gases into the type of motion that
Nature uses only to decompose and dissolve matter. Nature uses
another form of motion for creating and rebuilding. Our technol-
ogy's mode of motion creates chaos, noise and heat, bringing dis-
ease to organisms and the breakdown of structures. Visualize if you
will, what happens in an explosion — matter is torn apart, frag-
mented and destroyed. Its effect is to create degraded energy.
Through its dependence on the decomposing mode of motion our
technology creates enormous energy pollution and entropy, danger-
ously affecting the vital biodiversity and balance of our ecosystems.
Our mechanical, technological systems of motion are nearly all
heat- and friction-inducing, with the fastest movement at the


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