Hidden Nature

(Dana P.) #1

periphery (as in a wheel), a form of motion that is disintegrative,
noisy and inefficient; this is the way we generate our power —
centrifugally. By contrast, Nature uses the opposite, centripetal, vorti-
cal form of motion, moving from the outside to the inside with
increasing velocity, which acts to cool, to condense, to structure,
assisting the emergence of higher quality and more complex systems.
Spirals are a basic form of motion in Nature, but Schauberger's
recognition of the vortex (see p. 42) as the principal creative move-
ment system in the Universe is at the core of his Eco-technology and
the key to his valuable implosion research. From the tornado to
plant growth, it is Nature's mechanism for transforming energy
from one level to another (Fig. 1.2).
Asked about our technology 'How else should it be done?' Viktor's
answer was: 'Exactly in the opposite way that it is done today.' He saw
that the potential for creating energy for human needs by replicating
the in-winding motion of Nature was the way of the future.

Fig. 1.2. Centrifugal and centripetal movement.
Comparison between axial>radial
(inside>outwards) motion, the way our current
technology works, and radial>axial
(outside>inwards) motion, Nature's way of
generating creative energy.


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