Hidden Nature

(Dana P.) #1
complexity of interrelationships and to raise the level of conscious-
ness of the higher life forms, all a consequence of the continual
refinement of energies.
Viktor showed that highly ordered systems lose their stability
when their environment suffers deterioration. He predicted that a
decrease of biodiversity in Nature would bring an increase in violence
and a degeneration of spiritual qualities in the human community.
We think of evolution in terms of technological development.
But if one aspect of potentiality is developed at the expense of the
others, you end up with an unbalanced person, or even with a mon-
ster. This is one of the most important lessons our culture has to
learn. It might well apply to the unregulated biotechnology indus-
try. What level of crisis will be required to force us to rethink our
priorities and change direction?


Perhaps the most important of Schauberger's insights that we have
to heed is the importance of balance in Nature. The nature of some
attribute of an organism, its wholeness or unity is composed of two
seemingly opposed qualities in resonant balance. Thus, for exam-
ple, both egoism and altruism are necessary as human qualities, but
for evolution to proceed, altruism must be more in the ascendant.
Because our culture has emphasized the coarser qualities, our cre-
ative evolution has been arrested, and we have attracted the darker
energies of degeneration, with increasing disorder and violence as
the outcome.
All the qualities found in Nature have a coarser physical aspect
that our worldview attracts, to the discouragement of higher, more
subtle energies; we shall be looking at how this impinges on the
environment as a whole. In this way Nature's balance is upset, the
most obvious being the supremacy today of the more aggressive
energies of humankind.


Nature's methods of producing energy are silent, but inherently far
more effective and powerful than our mechanical techniques, as
Schauberger was to prove with his implosion machines that pro-
duced prodigious amounts of power. The difference between the


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