Hidden Nature

(Dana P.) #1
Temperature controls

Another cornerstone of Viktor's ecotechnology is the importance of
temperature in Nature's processes. Modern technology creates vast
amounts of waste heat (entropy) which contribute to global warm-
ing, especially in cities and industrial centres (carbon dioxide from
burning fossil fuels being the principal source of global warming).
Increasing heat will ultimately destroy life on Earth. Nature's cre-
ativity, however, thrives on measured coolness.
Most significantly, he showed how small variations in tempera-
ture are as crucial to the healthy movement of water and sap as they
are to the human blood. He identified in particular the importance
for water of the temperature of +4°C (39°F), referred to physically
and chemically as the 'anomaly point,' when water is at its densest
and has the greatest vitality, health and energy content.
In all forms of water, in trees and other living organisms, the
temperature gradient (the upward and downward movement of
temperature) is active. In the natural process of synthesis and
decomposition, the temperature is either approaching (positive gra-
dient) or moving away from (negative gradient) the anomaly point.
Each form of gradient has its special function in Nature's great pro-
duction; the positive (cooling) temperature gradient must play the
principal role if evolution is to unfold creatively. We shall be looking
at this in more detail in the appropriate chapters.
Schauberger found that temperature changes according to certain
patterns and cycles that activate life and death, bringing increase and
decrease, decomposition and renewal. Temperature controls the
innate energies that produce the pulsations that punctuate and con-
trol all life's processes. These energy pulsations which at one moment
dissociate or disconnect, and at another recombine both energy and
matter, are the mechanism for creating the countless individualities
and qualities that make up life as we know it. Viktor said that the
cyclical change of temperature creates the conditions suitable for the
evolution of new individual life forms or the renewal of existing ones.


Viktor Schauberger recognized that Nature's evolutionary purpose
is to facilitate the emergence of higher life forms, to promote greater


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