How to Change Your Mind

(Frankie) #1

Person to Person: Siff, Acid Hype, 80.
several other magazines: Ibid., 83.
An exhibition on magic mushrooms: Ibid., 74.
Hofmann isolated and named: Hofmann, LSD, My Problem Child, 128.
“Thirty minutes after my taking”: Ibid., 126.
In 1962, Hofmann joined Wasson: Ibid., 139–52.
“unleash[ing] on lovely Huautla”: Wasson, “Drugs,” 21.
“From the moment the foreigners arrived”: Estrada, María Sabina, 90–91.
you can find him on YouTube: The video, The Stoned Ape Theory, by Terence McKenna, is at
“access to realms of supernatural power”: McKenna, Food of the Gods, 26.
“catalyzed the emergence of human self-reflection”: Ibid., 24.
“brought us out of the animal mind”: See McKenna’s talk on YouTube:
Samorini calls this a “depatterning factor”: Samorini, Animals and Psychedelics, 84–88.
“Nature everywhere speaks to man”: Wulf, Invention of Nature, 54.
“I myself am identical with nature”: Ibid., 128.
“Everything,” Humboldt said, “is interaction and reciprocal”: Ibid., 59.
“Nature always wears the colors”: Emerson, Nature, 14.
another form of consciousness “parted from [us]”: James, Varieties of Religious Experience, 377.
a spiritually “realized being”: Huston Smith, Cleansing the Doors of Perception, 76.
“forbid[s] a premature closing”: James, Varieties of Religious Experience, 378.


When the federal authorities: Leary, Flashbacks, 232–42.
Leary was called before a committee: Greenfield, Timothy Leary, 267–72.
“Dreary Senate hearing and courtrooms”: Leary, Flashbacks, 251–52.
“a tantalizing sense of portentousness”: Novak, “LSD Before Leary,” 91.
“enter the illness and see with a madman’s eyes”: Osmond, “On Being Mad.”
In the years following World War II: Dyck, Psychedelic Psychiatry, 17.
the two researchers began to explore: Ibid.
But it was a productive hypothesis: For an excellent overview of how this research contributed to the
rise of neurochemistry, see Nichols, “Psychedelics,” 267.
The Saskatchewan Mental Hospital: Weyburn would soon become the world’s most important hub of
research into psychedelics. Dyck, Psychedelic Psychiatry, 26–28.
“My 12 Hours as a Madman”: For a discussion of the article, see ibid., 31–33.
Their focus on LSD: Ibid., 40–42.
“seemed so bizarre that we laughed uproariously”: Ibid., 58–59.
“From the first”: Ibid., 59.
Based on this success: Ibid., 71.
they seemed too good to be true: Ibid., 73.
The idea that a drug could occasion: See Novak, “LSD Before Leary,” 97, and the anonymously
published “Pass It On,” Kindle location 5372.
Beginning in 1956, Bill W. had several LSD sessions: Eisner, “Remembrances of LSD Therapy Past,”
14, 26–45; Novak, “LSD Before Leary,” 97.
Born in 1910 in New York City: Novak, “LSD Before Leary,” 88–89.
“was taken by surprise”: Ibid., 92.
“the problems and strivings”: Ibid.

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