expires. At that time you can extend your registration for up to 12 additional
One thing this means is that your email address must be working. If they
send an email to you and you do not respond, maybe because you never got
their email, then they will simply let your domain name expire.
29.6 Captcha
This step happens at thedot.tkwebsite.
dot.tkwants to know that they are dealing with a real human, and not
some automated robot that is setting up lots of domains. So they use a
technique calledCaptchato have you prove you are a human. more on the Captcha tech-
29.7 Register Yourself
This step happens at thedot.tkwebsite, and in your email inbox.
Now they have your domain name ready to go. They know how to direct
people to your website. And they know you are a human.
Next they want to be able to get in touch with you later. You need to
WARNING: There is an option for getting the domain name without reg-
istration. If you pick this option, you will never be able to correct any
mistakes you might have made setting things up. You really, really want to
dot.tkoffers quite a few different ways you can identify yourself, including
by email or through your Facebook account. Pick your method. I strongly
recommend doing it by email.
When I used the email method, they sent me an email message with instruc-
tions I had to follow. Basically, they emailed me a code, and I had to visit a
certain webpage and paste in that code within some number of hours. Then
they immediately activated my account.