HTML5, CSS3, and JavaScript Fourth Edition

(Ben Green) #1


29.8 Activate Your Addon Domain

This step happens at your webhost, by way of your control panel.

Go back to your control panel on your webhost. Go into the section for
addon domains. Type in your new domain name and type in the document
root. When you save those changes, your website should start working.

29.9 Verify Your Domain Is Working

If you, visit your fa-
vorite browser to make sure you can see your new homepage.

Hopefully everything will work and you can do the happy dance. If not, go
back over the previous instructions carefully.

If Things WERE Working But Suddenly Stop

Sometimes you will have everything working and then a day or two later it
stops working.

As mentioned above,dot.tkuses a robotic web crawler to make sure you
are following their terms of service.

If their web crawler finds any violation of their terms of service, they will
shut you down and notify you.

If their web crawler cannot access your website, they will shut you down
and notify you. They will give you a few hours to get something set up, but
if too much time passes and you still do not have anything, they will shut
you down.

If their web crawler finds copyrighted materials on your website, they will
shut you down and notify you.

If their web crawler finds you have parked your domain name, they will shut
you down and notify you.

If they shut you down, people visiting your website will probably see a page
of advertisements hosted This is calledparkingyour website.
People will not see your content. You may think that your website has been
hijacked. It is just thedot.tkpeople trying to get your attention because
you did not respond to their email.

You may be tempted to start over, create a new domain name, and cross

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