The Secret Science of Numerology: The Hidden Meaning of Numbers and Letters

(avery) #1




There is a difference between 1 (one) and the Monad. The 1 is applied
to each of the essential parts in any group, so the 1 is simpler than the
Monad, which is the part considered as a unit.

Pythagoras did not even see 1 as a number. To him it was the Monad,
the Father, and the symbol of wisdom; the principle underlying all num-
bers and from which all numbers come forth.

This is easier to understand if we see it as he did—a circle with a dot
in the center. It was one in the midst of all. Ain Soph Aur. Infinite. So the
Monad was considered as a unit just as a man, like the Universe, is a unit
composed of many individual parts. According to Cato:

God makes himself known to all the world; He fills up the
whole circle of the universe, but makes His particular abode
in the center, which is the soul of the just (The Pythagorean
Triangle, 51).


he name for each number group is derived from the Greek word
for that number: Monad, Duad, Triad, Tetrad, Pentad, Hexad,
Heptad, Ogdoad, Ennead, and Decad. Each group held the under-
lying deeper meanings of the number to the Kabbalists.

\ Monad //


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