The Secret Science of Numerology: The Hidden Meaning of Numbers and Letters

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The Secret Science of Numerology

The beginning of all things lies motionless in Ain Soph Aur, the Monad,
in the form of ideas that have yet to become real. Since the Monad is this
original mind, it is the origin of all thoughts and contains all wisdom, for
all numbers proceed from and are hidden in the Monad.

Pythagoras’s description of God was that He is everywhere present in
the Universe as Supreme Mind, Who is the original cause of all things
that exist and have being; the source of every Divine good; that His mo-
tion is circular, His nature is truth, and His body is light.

In the Pythagorean triangle, the Tetractys, the Monad is the top and
first point.

In the Tree of the Sephiroth the Monad is Kether, the Crown whose
attribute is Will and whose essence is Divine Love. It contains within
itself all the other Sephira. All ideas that are, were, or ever will be are
contained within that point of light.

In the Grand Man of the Universe, the Adam Kadmon, the Monad is
the crown above the head that is the genesis of all creation. The vibration
of the Monad corresponds with the C below middle C: 128 vibrations per
second. This is the seventh octave above the fundamental tones of the
Cosmos (The Sacred Word and its Creative Overtones, 7).

Kether is a symbol of unity as it is indivisible. Divide 1 into 1 and you
still have 1. Multiply 1 by itself and the 1 remains, so it represents the
unity of all life. Every number is made up of 1’s. The 1 is the self that
performs, learns, and grows in each lesson.

\ Duad //

The Monad was depicted as a point in a circle. In order for it to reach
out and take form it had to cast its own reflection. By so doing, it created
a positive and negative pole: unity separating itself. The original Monad is
the positive male principle, electricity, and the opposing end is the nega-
tive principle, magnetic attraction. Both are necessary for creation since
it is spirit’s descent into matter.

Thus the Duad is the dividing line between spirit and matter. It repre-
sents all duality, all opposites, all diversity. The hieratic secret of the
Duad is the Tree of Knowledge of Good and Evil, the fruits of which can
be beneficial or deadly (The Mysteries of Magic, 66).

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