The Secret Science of Numerology: The Hidden Meaning of Numbers and Letters

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The Secret Science of Numerology

The Kabbalists often wrote 10 this way:, unity in the middle of zero
and representing God, man, and the Universe. It was not just a 1 and a 0,
but a pillar and a circle; the Monad, or First Cause, creating and express-
ing through the circle of no beginning and no end and infinite in bound-
less space. It was completeness: the 1 being the masculine creative force
and the 0 being the feminine uniting to form the Yod of creation. Later on
the Yod became a phallic symbol of the Father, and the moon of the
Mother aspects of the Godhead. In the Argian dialect, the 10 means “the

The moon is related to mother and creation because woman’s repro-
ductive system is on a monthly 28-day lunar cycle. If we turn the “n”
upside down in “month,” it becomes “mouth.” As you remember from
the three views of creation, it is the Mouth of God that spake all of cre-
ation into existence. So the mouth is, in a sense, a womb. It is from “womb”
that we get the word “woman,” and it is from the Holy Creative Mouth
that we get the word “mother” (The Secret Doctrine, Vol. 2: 463-4).

The 10th Sephira is the womb out of which all creation is born on
Earth. It is called Malkuth, or Kingdom, and refers to Earth. The bounty
of food, the beauty of nature, all come from the womb of Mother Earth
for the benefit of her living beings.

“And God saw everything that he had made, and behold,
it was very good” (Genesis 2:31).
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