The Secret Science of Numerology: The Hidden Meaning of Numbers and Letters

(avery) #1
The Secret Science of Numerology

Other 1 words (19, 28, 37, 46) total to 10 first, and differ in quality
because of the numbers behind them.

\ 10 //

The 1 is the self plus the strength and leadership abilities from the
great I AM within every one of us. It is intelligence, pioneering spirit, and
ambition, all in 1.

The 0 is the Cosmic Egg that contains the attributes of God in each of
the Ten Sephiroth within that egg. The 0 is also a picture of a two-sided
mirror that reflects the original thought from the spirit side into form on
the material side. Together it is perfection.

The first man was ADAM:
1 4 1 4 = 10: Perfected man.
4 1 5 = 10: Created perfect.
M 4      manifested presence
A 1      individual; given breath of life
N 5  sensate being (five senses)
10      created perfect

The letters in MAN are significant. In numbers 1 through 10, man is
considered as 5 because he has five senses. He is the exact middle of
numbers, and created perfect.

Man comes from the womb of woman and the first stage of life is in
amniotic fluid, or Water, of which M is the symbol.

The N is from Nun, meaning fish. Fish means “esoteric teachings,” teach-
ings that are very deep, just as an ocean is deep to hold many fish. Man has a
very deep nature, for when he seeks truth he finds that he is eternal spirit.

In order for man to live in the physical body he must have the breath
of life. That comes from the Hebrew letter, Aleph, which is the Element
of Air. It is the A that, when inserted between the exact center letters of
the alphabet, M and N, gives MAN life.

Without woman, physical life could not be generated. So the 0 is im-
portant; it is the Cosmic Egg of all creation. The woman has the egg
physically and it shows in the word w0man; the “wom” points out that the
egg is in the womb.

The W, being the 23rd letter of the English alphabet, consists of 2 and
3, the female 2 and male 3; male being the positive pole or active force,
and female being the negative or receptive force. The union of these two
impregnates the egg. The birth is shown by the full number of WOMAN:

  1. Every body in this three-dimensional world has six sides: top, bottom,
    front and back, right side and left side. So the first 6 is the body of the

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