The Secret Science of Numerology: The Hidden Meaning of Numbers and Letters

(avery) #1
The Secret Science of Numerology

Many 2 words total 20. The cypher doubles the power of the qualities
found in 2. Since 2 is “a pair,” there are words that total 20 that have a

Breast. Foot. Rib. Shoe.

Two of such things make for balance, and the word BALANCE
totals 20.

Many 20-words signify a collection:
ARCANA: A collection of secret mysteries.
OCEAN: A collection of water.
FARM: A collection of animals and food.
MUSEUM: A place that preserves and exhibits collections.
MUSIC A collection of harmonic sounds.
SUITE: A collection of rooms.
TAROT: A collection of mystical cards.
ZOO: A collection of animals on exhibit.

An unbalanced collecting 2 may become a “collecto-maniac” (klepto-
maniac). The word “kleptomaniac” has the Soul’s Urge (vowel count) of
22, twice the power of 2, obviously in the negative side of the vibration.

If you look closely at 2, it is actually the upper half of a 3. It is like a
plant with roots deep in the ground, showing only its outer self. This gives
2’s great sensitivity. Their feelings go as deep as the roots of the plant and
what they feel hurts keenly (Morals and Dogma, 362).

The 2 also gives a tendency to hide things. Negative 2’s tend to be
sneaky, and cover their acts with lies: LIAR (22). Like 3’s, 2’s are good
talkers, except that the bottom half of the 2 is buried, so 2 hides the truth;
the 2 may say one thing (upper part of 2) and mean another (buried part).

The 2 is a feminine and receptive number (Eve came second). Though
it is not a leader, it does have an influence that is gentle, kind, and helpful.
It is happy to go to work in the background; taking care to perform de-
tailed work to perfection. And it does not mind not getting full credit so
long as the work is admired and appreciated.

It is interesting that the word DEATH totals 20. If death were final it
would total 7 or 9; but 20 denotes companionship—an angel at the cross-
over. Often people who fear death, or have a strange attitude toward it,
have a prominent 20 in their chart. The full word total is 38. The 3 is just
an 8 that has the left side removed. The left denotes the past, so 3 is a
cycle that precedes the 8, which is a new cycle that continues.

People who are 2’s are known as peacemakers, for they are able to see
both sides of a question and have the desire to BALANCE emotions on
either side, and to keep the peace. They have an inborn tact to deter
tempers from flaring. Those who have many 2’s or a strong 20 in the name
become our best diplomats.

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