The Secret Science of Numerology: The Hidden Meaning of Numbers and Letters

(avery) #1
The Secret Science of Numerology

The 4 comes first and it is a loyal supporter of home, family, and
country. There are two 4’s in 8; this makes 8 a strong leader. No wonder
words like PATRIOTIC and DIPLOMATIC vibrate to 48. And yes, the
basics still apply since 4+8= 12/3 (also true of 39 and 57).

A misuse of the 4’s honesty, and the 8’s good judgement, can be seen
in the following negative 48-words:

Dishonesty. Hysterical.

\ 84/12/3 //

In 84, the highly mental and intelligent 8 comes first. I found one
word that totals 84: INTELLIGIBILITY. It starts with an I, the ninth
letter. The 9 holds all the knowledge of the preceding numbers. The middle
letter, G, and the last letter, Y, are both 7 letters, showing that the state of
understanding clearly must come from within.

\ 57/12/3 //

The 57 will work hard to make negative conditions better. It under-
stands people’s problems and knows how to seek help, for 5 wants to
know how other people feel, and understands due to its own experience.

The 7 is spiritual. It does need to cultivate a sense of humor and an
inner response to situations. The 7 always seeks perfection. Some 57 words

Perfection. Reverential. Cooperative. Omnipotence.
The negative 57 will Criticize, needs Correction, is often Negligent.

\ 75/12/3 //

The 75 accepts challenges; it wants to do things right. It does get
down to basics—1, 2, 3—in order to succeed.

FIREFIGHTER: The full word total is 111, the basic 3-in-1, all suffi-
cient; the highest principle of the soul. The first letter, F, is a picture of
arms outstretched to help someone at its side. The first vowel, I, is a 9,
which is the number of compassion and service. The center pivot letter is
also I, so its work is “around” compassionate service. There are 11 letters
in the word, so its very traits point out that it is there to help humanity.

The negative 75 may fail due to procrastination.
Strive, Stress, and Strain all begin with STR = 12/3. When I first
began studying this science, I understood the positive energies of 3: hap-
piness, joy, talents expressed, and communication. Then one day I was

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