The Secret Science of Numerology: The Hidden Meaning of Numbers and Letters

(avery) #1

The root total of ANCIENT is 30: (1539552). The most ancient of all is
the Cosmic Egg (0) and the Creative Triad (3), called by some “The An-
cient of Ancients.” Its full word total is 66, which was known as Father-
Mother God.

Since 3 has a way with words, spoken or written, the cypher following
it will intensify those qualities:

Doctor. Lawyer. Lecture. Write. Savior. (With
the u, “Saviour” is 33, a number of spiritual service.)
A musical sound that is pleasant to the ear is CHORD (30).
A gem is pleasant to the eye is the AMETHYST (30).
When self-expression is hindered we see the negative side of the 30

Dilemma. Fixed. Idiot. Nemesis. Sadistic. Strive. Stubborn.
Sulkiness. Thief. Tremble.

\ 39/12/3 //

The 39 is loving and caring. It desires to give loving service and help
make the world a better place. It is easygoing. The 9 represents humanity
and its emotions, feelings, and love of life, expressing itself in the 3 which
is happiness, joy, and using one’s talents to express life at its fullest.

Positive 39’s:
Friends. Gentleness. Humanity. Quietude. Refine.
Romantic Wedding. Writer.
Negative 39’s use words to hurt people:
Critical. Disgrace. Malicious.
Then there are negative 39-words describing actions that do harm:
Corrupt. Foolish. Slaughter.

\ 48/12/3 //

TREE is a 21-word by root, 2955, but 48 by its full number:
20-18-5-5 = 48: a reliable (4) and very productive (8) part of the cycle
of life (8). The first letter is T, a letter that stands tall with a strong,
protective overhang. Trees give us shade and protection. They furnish us
with tools for many things: wood, paper, and their products. The T is the
20th letter, and 20 refers to collections and groupings, and trees have a
collection of leaves.

The 48 is a number of searching for satisfaction and finding material
success. It needs to be balanced by the spiritual:

Beneficial. Satisfying. Metaphysics.
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