The Secret Science of Numerology: The Hidden Meaning of Numbers and Letters

(avery) #1
The Secret Science of Numerology

\ 13/4 //

The 1 is First Cause, or Creator; it is also ourselves as creators in His
image. It is originality, the inventor, the style-setter, the pioneer.

The 3 is creativity, self-expression, happiness, entertaining, writing,
the artistic and decorative, and prettiness.

The 4 is where the ideas of the creator take form.
Here are a few words that total 13:

SOUL: The root of Soul is 4. This shows that the soul is a definite form,
though not perceptible in this dimension. It was created by First Cause
and is individualized, as evidenced by 1. It has self-expression, as evi-
denced by 3. The full number is 67, meaning spiritual (7) body (6).

ARTS: By individuals (1) using their creative expression (3), the Arts
take definite form (4). The full number of Arts is 58: ideas from above
becoming manifest below (8) in various ways (5).

ATOM: This is the basic material (4) of the creative (3) energy field put
into action by the Monad (1), or First Cause. Its full number is also 58.
This is one of the elementary components of matter in all its forms,
and the letters show that the elements come forth from the Cosmic
Egg (0) in its center. A is Air, M is Water, and the T is a picture of
spirit descending into matter. At the point where they cross creation
takes place.

TABLE: This is an example of a creative idea made into form with 4 legs
or with one central base as shown in the letter T. Some tables are
ornate, which is another quality of the 3. It takes a creative person
(1 + 3) to design such a table. Its full number, 40, is practical, and the
cypher makes it all the more so.

CAR: This 13-word describes a vehicle with 4 wheels designed by a cre-
ator (1) and used for transportation and travel (3).

Lastly, 13 is not a good number for a gambler. The 3 scatters its ener-
gies and acts in haste, or impulse. But the 3 gives the otherwise-sober 4 a
sense of humor.

\ 31/4 //

This number is prevalent among good writers, interior decorators,
artists, and homemakers. When the 3 comes first it often refers to cre-
ative writing, or something related:

Calendar. Covenant. Script. Sentence.
The 3 is a number of words, positive or negative. Someone who uses
words in a negative way is a gossip.

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