The Secret Science of Numerology: The Hidden Meaning of Numbers and Letters

(avery) #1

GOSSIP: 761197 = 31/4. This word sounds like what it is—it gives a
hissing sound like that of a snake about to strike. Numerically it begins
and ends with a 7 letter, G and P, and the negative side of the 7 is fault-
finding, deceitful, and sarcastic with words.

The Soul’s Urge (vowels) of Gossip, O =6 and I =9, totals 6. Where
the positive 6 is responsible and kind, its negative side is the opposite,
hurtful, using the voice as a sword.

The personality (sum of the consonants) of the word, 7117 = 16/7, is
the negative side of 7: cold, secretive, and unfeeling. The 7 gives the ap-
pearance of turning its back on the one spoken about. It first totals the
karmic number 16, which shows it is outwardly doing something that will
have a karmic effect. The total expression of Gossip is 4, which is mani-
festation. It may make something out of nothing by its unkind words (3),
and cause someone pain.

The full number is 85. The number of continuity (8) comes first. The
5 is a talker. Here we see that 5 talks on and on, like the cycle that goes on
and on, and the word continues to be told. That 8 also represents the Law
of the Circle: what is given out will come back to the sender. No wonder
its personality scores the karmic 16.

All 4’s make good doctors, but the 31’s and 13’s are the best. The 3
makes them more reachable, willing to talk, and they appear to be more

The 31 is totally reliable and takes responsibility seriously.
SCIENCE: 1395535 = 31/4. This is a fundamental knowledge (4). Each
science is individual (1) and governed by its own creative (3) laws. The
first letter is the S that seeks knowledge. It has strong ideas. The first
vowel is I, a letter that must learn to master the self. It is a 9 letter, and 9
is a number for serving mankind. Its full number is 58: continually (8)
seeking answers (5).

\ 49/13/4 //

This number refers to many talents and those who use them for great
achievement, for it also has the qualities of 13 and 4.

4: Has ideas take form through organized skills. 4 is a
tireless worker.
9: Considerate of other people; will work for the benefit of
1: Leadership ability and confidence to see things through.
3: Creative talents longing to be expressed.

Note these qualities in the following 49-words:
Prodigy. Inspired. Enlighten. Instructor. Phenomenal.
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