The Secret Science of Numerology: The Hidden Meaning of Numbers and Letters

(avery) #1
The 2 Letters: B, K, T


No. 20

, , , , , K KkKk

Sound: k or ch as
in German doch Sound: k as in king

K – 11

The 11th letter of the Hebrew alphabet, Kaph (caf), was one of the
seven double letters having two sounds, K or Ch, and representing oppo-
sites in nature: divine love and human love. Venus, the planet of love,
rules it.

Kaph was given the number 20 for there was no number 11 in Hebrew.
It is a higher expression of Beth (2) as K (11) is to B (2). This gives Kaph
the qualities of Beth on the next octave, which indicates mastery of the
lower selfhuman love on a higher level.

Kaph means the hollow or the palm of the hand and symbolizes the
act of holding. It means taking hold of opportunities that present them-
selves or retaining what we receive. To the seekers of wisdom this is a sign
of the Initiate who welcomes the opportunity to delve further into spiri-
tual truths; the one who has passed through the lessons of all the numbers
1 through 9, reaching perfection in 10, and then radiating an outpouring
of love in 11.

When reaching 10, these people should be well-acquainted with and
follow the divine law established in the Ten Commandments, and then in
11 be ready to bring their light to the people, to put their palms out to
bless them.

11 is the number of light, and of Jesus who brought light to the world.
Positive 11’s do bring light (29/11) and laughter (38/11) for they are in that
vibrational harmony.

Every letter and number has its negative polarity as well. The destruc-
tive side can double the errant vibration of the base number 2. This means
“overly sensitive.” Nervous tension. Dishonesty. Hidden motives. Un-
sympathetic. Narrow. Intolerant. Moody. Kleptomania. Thievery. Sneaki-
ness. Glibness. Liar. That is why it is important to overcome the lower
nature and, like the upper part of the K, reach upward for light and be
receptive to a higher awareness and intuition, spiritual help, and creative
ideas. K is intuitive and can follow hunches.

The lower part of the K is a V upside down with its feet firmly planted
on the ground, suggesting material influence. The side of the K is a wide

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