The Secret Science of Numerology: The Hidden Meaning of Numbers and Letters

(avery) #1
The 2 Letters: B, K, T

The 2 is the peacemaker, so peace is important to the 20th letter. It
will carry a grudge rather than argue because of that, and it will often
agree with others just to have peace. As the 20th letter, T takes on the
qualities of the 20 in its collective nature. T is easily turned into a plus
sign and plus means to add more, just as 20 adds more. So the letter and
its number agree, as do all letters and numbers; the agreement is more
easily seen in certain cases such as this one. T, particularly as the first
letter in a name, needs a partner. To be a good partner, T must be honest
and true to itself and in its relationships. In Hebrew it is the ninth letter,
Teth, that corresponds to the Ninth Commandment “Thou shalt not bear
false witness against thy neighbor.”

We are all sons of God in that we have a spark of that divinity within,
and that is the good we see and respect in each person. To bear false
witness against anyone is to ignore the divinity in others and belittle that
which is in ourselves. We bear witness to truth when we quietly salute the
divinity in others in our deeds as well as in our words.

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