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States. Manuka honey has already been used as wound dressing for several years in Great Britain,
Australia, and its native New Zealand. Canada also approved it for use as an antimicrobial dressing in
early 2007. Honey used to be a standard conventional therapy in fighting infection up until the early 20th
century. With the advent of penicillin, knowledge of honey’s powerful healing ability began to fade from
public awareness, and doctors were simply too excited over using the new miracle drugs.
Compared to other types of honey, Manuka has an extra ingredient with antimicrobial qualities, called
the Unique Manuka Factor (UMF), according to an article published in the Washington Post August 7,

  1. Apparently, the higher the concentration of UMF, the darker, thicker and more expensive the honey
    is. In this situation, it may pay off to use the most expensive honey available. However, even ordinary
    natural honey has amazing healing properties.


  • Apply honey to cuts, scrapes, or burns and cover with a clean bandage. Change dressings one to
    three times daily, as needed.

  • Use honey as a first-aid dressing material where there could be time for infection to set in before
    medical treatment is obtained.

  • For internal disinfection and as a preventative measure, every morning, drink a glass of warm
    water with a teaspoon of honey and a little lemon juice.

  • Honey also has sleep-inducing, sedative and tranquilizing properties.

  • Nursing salve: Nursing mothers, try covering cracked, sore nipples with honey-soaked gauze to
    prevent infection.

  • For heartburn, take 1 teaspoon of raw honey mixed with 1 teaspoon of apple cider vinegar.
    Note: Excessive heat (don’t cook or bake with it) or prolonged exposure to light can rob honey of its
    antibacterial properties. Always store in a dark, cool place.

Hydrogen Peroxide For Colds And Flu

Speaking of hydrogen peroxide, this naturally occurring substance has great benefits for the flu and
colds. It can be effective 80 percent of the time, especially if used when the symptoms first appear.
In 1928 Richard Simmons, M.D. hypothesized that colds and flu viruses enter the body through the
ear canal, not through the eyes, nose or mouth, as most have believed. His findings were dismissed by
the medical community. But he insisted you catch the flu or the cold via the ear canal, and he may be
correct. In 1938 German researchers had great success using hydrogen peroxide for treatment of colds
and the flu. However, their data has been ignored for over 60 years, perhaps because there is not much
money to be made selling hydrogen peroxide.
As a general rule, keeping your fingers out of your ears will greatly reduce your chances of coming
into contact with these viruses, however, since they are microscopic and can be air-borne, they may
settle on or even in your ear. According to the German findings, once the germs have entered the inner-
ear (middle-ear) they will start breeding. From there, they have easy access to the rest of the body,
infecting it throughout (provided there is a fertile ground for them to spread).
The treatment is simple, and involves administering a few drops of 3 percent Hydrogen Peroxide
(H 202 ) into each ear, although often only one ear is infected. The H 202 starts acting immediately and
after two to three minutes all germs will be neutralized. There will be some bubbling noise sensation in
the ears, and perhaps even mild stinging. Start with one ear by holding the head toward one side, and

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