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of potassium in natural form, you should have no concern about being harmed by the relatively small
amount of sodium in real sea salt. Foods that are particularly high in potassium are bananas, apricots,
avocados, pumpkin seeds, beans, potatoes, winter squash, and many other vegetables. However, if
potassium levels in the body drop below normal, sodium (even in natural salt) can become a source of
Celtic ocean salt (grayish in color) is a good product to ingest because it is naturally extracted through
sun drying. Other great salts are sold at whole food stores such as Whole Foods Market® or co-ops. Some
are multicolored; others have a pink color. Himalayan salt is considered the best and most nutritious of
all. The Hawaiian Black Sea salt is also excellent, and it tastes great. If taken dissolved in water or added
to the water in which foods are cooking, these salts have profound, positive effects at the cellular level.
Unrefined salt also helps to cleanse and detoxify the gastrointestinal tract, and it keeps harmful germs at
Refined salt has virtually no benefits for the body. On the contrary, it is responsible for causing
numerous health problems, including gallstones. The only salt that the body can digest, assimilate, and
utilize properly is unrefined, unprocessed sea salt or rock salt. For salt to be useful to the body, it needs to
penetrate foods—that is, the moisture of the fruits, vegetables, grains, and legumes must be allowed to
dissolve the salt. If salt is used in its dry state, it enters the body in a non-ionized form and creates thirst (a
sign of being poisoned). It causes further harm because it is not being properly assimilated and utilized.
You may dissolve a pinch of salt in a small amount of water and add that to fruit or other foods that are
not usually cooked. This will aid in the digestion of those items while helping to de-acidify the body.
Adding a pinch of salt to drinking water generates alkaline properties and provides you with important
minerals and trace elements.
It may be worth mentioning that food should taste delicious, but not salty, in and of itself. Pitta and
Kapha body types require less salt than does the Vata body type.

Important Functions of Real Salt in the Body:

  • Stabilizes irregular heartbeat and regulates blood pressure—in conjunction with water

  • Extracts excess acidity from the cells in the body, particularly the brain cells

  • Balances sugar levels in the blood, which is particularly important for diabetics

  • Is essential for the generation of hydroelectric energy in the cells of the body

  • Is vital for the absorption of nutrient components through the intestinal tract

  • Is needed to clear the lungs of mucus and sticky phlegm, particularly in those suffering from
    asthma and cystic fibrosis

  • Clears up catarrh and congestion in the sinuses

  • Is a strong natural antihistamine

  • Can prevent muscle cramps

  • Helps prevent excess saliva production; saliva that is flowing out of the mouth during sleep may
    indicate salt deficiency

  • Makes bones firm; 27 percent of the body’s salt content is located in the bones; salt deficiency
    and/or eating refined salt versus real salt are major causes of osteoporosis

  • Regulates sleep; acts as a natural hypnotic

  • Helps prevent gout and gouty arthritis

  • Is vital for maintaining sexuality and libido

  • Can prevent varicose veins and spider veins on the legs and thighs

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