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2. Xylitol Curbs Tooth Decay

Xylitol is a sugar alternative that looks and tastes like real sugar but contains less than 40 percent of
the calories. Xylitol is a natural carbohydrate that is found in fibrous plants and vegetables, including
birch and other hardwood trees, berries, almond hulls and corncobs. The human body produces small
amounts (5-15 grams per day) during normal metabolism. It has been approved for use as a sugar
substitute in over 35 countries.
Xylitol has been shown in studies to reduce plaque and cavities up to 80 percent by neutralizing plaque
acids and inhibiting the growth of Streptococcus mutant, the plaque-producing bacteria most responsible for
causing cavities (dental caries). Xylitol stimulates remineralization of tooth enamel. In clinical trials, Xylitol
has also been known to boost the immune system, and in children, it specifically inhibits the growth of
Streptococcus pneumonia bacteria, reducing ear and sinus infections by 40 percent.
In addition, Xylitol has been shown to improve breath odor, retard loss of tooth enamel, reduce
infections in the mouth and nasopharynx, and relieve dry mouth. It is safe for diabetics and
hypoglycemics. Xylitol does not encourage growth of yeast, including Candida albicans. In contrast to
ordinary sugar, xylitol increases the absorption of B-vitamins and calcium.
Xylitol enjoys wide acceptance in Japan, Finland, and the Scandinavian countries. In the Soviet Union
it has been used for decades as a sweetener for diabetics, and in Germany in solutions for intravenous
feeding. Numerous clinical and field studies performed over the past 30 years have demonstrated the
safety and efficacy of Xylitol as a healthy alternative to sugar and artificial sweeteners. Xylitol is
recommended and used by dentists, periodontists and nearly all other medical and dental professionals
Xylitol is added to chewing gum, gumdrops and hard candy, mints, toothpastes and mouthwashes.
Recent studies at the Dental Schools of Michigan and Indiana Universities have tested the effect of
xylitol/sorbitol blends in chewing gum and mints on plaque. They showed a significant decrease in plaque
accumulation. In the United States, xylitol is approved as a direct food additive for use in foods for special
dietary uses. It can be purchased in bulk form from health food stores and many online stores (see
Product Information). Many people use it in their breakfast cereals and for baking.

3. D-Mannose For Bladder/Kidney Infections

D-Mannose is considered to be a simple sugar, like glucose. It is naturally found in cranberry and
pineapple juice. When D-Mannose is ingested into the body, most of it is rapidly absorbed through the
stomach and upper gastrointestinal tract before reaching the intestines. The result is that almost all of the
sugar is emptied into the urine through the kidneys, and only a very small amount of D-Mannose is
actually metabolized by the body. Although it may not be obvious at first, the fact that the body treats D-
Mannose essentially as a waste product turns out to have very positive implications for people suffering
form urinary disorders, such as bladder infection.
Escherichia coli (or E. coli) is the normal bacterium found in every intestinal tract as part of the
natural microbe population therein. When E. coli bacteria find their way into the urinary tract, they may
infect the urinary bladder. This is quite common. In fact, 80-90 percent of all bladder infections (cystitis)
can be attributed to E. coli entering the urinary tract, a problem 50 times more widespread among women
than among men. Provided there exists a predisposing weakness of the immune system, E. coli bacteria
present in the vagina are able to migrate into the urethra and onward to the bladder, which is why many
women end up with a bladder infection every time they have intercourse. Unless the immune system

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