belief in, 34 , 57–58, 67 , 148
caring and loving, 96 , 146 , 161 , 171
communicating with, 48 , 161
connection to, 76 , 104 , 148 , 160–61
dazzling darkness of, 48
glory of, 157
growing toward, 84
impersonal nature of, 85–86
learning lessons from, 192
as Om, 47 , 48 , 86 , 104 , 148 , 156–57, 159–61
questions about, 153 , 154
separation from, 76 , 154
universal, 156–57
good and evil, 83
Gram’s stain, 23
Great Depression, 51–52
guardian angels, 95–96, 102 , 131
belief in, 34
loss of, 102
presence of, 104
proof of, 135 , 171
questions about, 153 , 154
Heisenberg, Werner, 149–50, 154
Hemi-Sync, 158–59
hen’s egg, analogy of, 160
Heyward, Robert, 100
human spirit, 152
humor, 157
ICU psychosis, 118 , 120
illusion, 80