Microsoft Access VBA Macro Programming

(Tina Sui) #1



  • operator, 73

  • operator, 72
    ^ operator, 74
    +operator, 72–73
    \ operator, 73
    / operator, 73


Abs function, 49
ACCDE files, 283–284
Access object models
calling methods, 180–184
collections, 181–184
hierarchy of objects, 190–191
manipulating read/write properties, 178–179
methods, 176–178
overview, 175–176
properties, 176–178
See alsoObject Browser
ActiveControl, 201
ActiveX Data Objects.SeeADO
AddNew method, 208
ADO, 248–251
AllowAdditions property, 202
AllowDeletions property, 202
AllowEdits property, 202
AllowFilters property, 202
And operator, 75–76
animation, 273–275
API calls
defined, 253–254
getting disk space, 254–256
playing multimedia sounds, 263
reading from and writing to INI files,
reading keyboard activity, 258–262

Append query, 159–161
See alsoSQL queries
Application object, 176, 193
CurrentDb object, 194
CurrentProject object, 194
DAvg method, 194–195
DbEngine DAO object, 195–196
DCount method, 195
DFirst method, 196
DLast method, 196–197
DLookup method, 197
DMax method, 197
DMin method, 197
DoCmd object, 197
DSum method, 197–198
DVar/DVarP methods, 198
Forms collection, 198
Printer property, 199
Printers collection, 199
Quit method, 199
References collection, 199
Reports collection, 199–200
Screen object, 200
SysCmd object, 200
Version, 201
argument data types, 33
optional arguments, 33
passing by value, 33–34
arithmetic operators, 72–74
defining variables as, 16
dynamic, 24
multidimensional, 23
overview, 22–23
Asc function, 50
ASCII character codes, 359–363


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