audit trails
enhancing, 292
overview, 290
using events to create, 290–292
authorized users, 281–282
See alsologin IDs
Beep method, 213–214
BeginTrans statement, 189
BOF property, 208
break mode, 82
breakpoints, 84
avoiding, 90
See alsodebugging
creating code for custom buttons,
in forms, 108–109
option buttons, 110
ByRef keyword, 33–34
ByVal keyword, 33–34
Call Stack dialog, 82–84
Call statement, 30
Caption property, 202
CDbl function, 52
charts, 231–236
drilling down on, 325–327
exporting as picture files, 237
manipulating chart colors, 321–323
working with the Series Collection object,
check boxes, in forms, 109
Chr function, 50–51
and arrays, 22
CInt function, 51
class modules
creating a collection, 268–270
creating a Data Service Layer, 266
creating an object, 267–268
inserting, 266
overview, 265–266
using the PNames collection, 270–271
using the PNames collection as a multitier
application, 272
CLng function, 51
Close method, 208, 214
CloseDatabase method, 214
code windows, 7–8
collections, 181–184
creating, 268–270
color, in charts, 321–323
Color dialog, 126–128
Combo Box controls, 101
Command button control, 108–109
Commit statement, 188–189
CommitTrans statement, 189
comparison operators, 74
compile errors, 81–82
concatenating strings, 46
concatenation operator, 75
conditional operators, 38
conditional statements, 36–38
multiple conditional statements, 38–39
Select case statements, 39–40
constants, 25
for message boxes, 67, 68, 69
conversion functions, 51–52
CreateObject method, 221
CreateQueryDef method, 205
CreateReport method, 234
CreateReportControl, 234
CreateTableDef method, 205–206
CStr function, 51
CurrentDb object, 175, 176, 194, 205
CreateQueryDef method, 205
CreateTableDef method, 205–206
Execute method, 206
Name property, 206
OpenRecordset method, 206
QueryDefs collection, 207
TableDefs collection, 207
CurrentProject object, 194
Custom UI Editor, 132–136
cycling through collections, 182
DAO objects, DbEngine, 195–196
Data Service Layer, 266
data source names.SeeDSNs
data types
argument data types, 33
Date/Time values stored in variants, 19
empty value, 19
366 Microsoft Access 2010 VBA Macro Programming