Handout 37.1: Introduction to Self-Promotion
Prepared sets of self-promotion cards (see Job Aid 37.1: Self-Promotion Cards)
Handout 37.2: My Personal Board of Directors
Tables; chairs arranged so they are facing the flipcharts
Leaders need to exude confidence and contribute appropriate information. The art of
self promotion ensures that just the right amount of information is shared and it is done
in a professional manner. This activity helps participants to recognize and use that fine
line between saying too little or too much.
Self-Assertion for Womenby Pamela Butler, Ph.D. (NY: Harper Collins, 1992).
Trainer’s Notes for Activity 37
Step 1: Introduce the concept of self-promotion by asking participants to list
reasons why people should not engage in self-promotion. (Write them
on a flipchart.) Tell them to look at the challenge from the standpoint of
a prosecuting attorney trying to do away with the practice. Possible
arguments include:
- Working hard should be enough.
- My good work will be recognized without me bragging about it.
- It feels like bragging.
- I don’t know how to go about it.
- I never thought of it as a necessary part of my career.
- It wastes my time.
- Why would I choose to do this when I have real work to do?
- Others will think I am acting like a politician.
- Others will think I am too aggressive.
Step 2: Divide participants into groups of 4 to 5. Distribute Handout 37.1:
Introduction to Self-Promotionand ask people to discuss their responses
to the questions.