The Leadership Training Activity Book: 50 Exercises

(John Hannent) #1

Step 2: When everyone is done, line people up along one side of the room. Ask
them to wait for the signal, and then fly their airplane, letting it stay
where it lands. Note which airplane flew the farthest, and ask that person
to coach the rest of the participants on how to design and construct a
plane based on this successful model.

Step 3: Pass out more paper and allow several minutes for instruction and
new construction.

Step 4: Line everyone up again and comment on the results. Resume
the competition.

Step 5: Debrief the activity, and discuss how the results changed after
some coaching.

Step 6: Divide the group into pairs, and ask the pairs to take five minutes to
identify the roles a coach might have to take on with an employee.
Talk about what the pairs came up with, and put these ideas on
the flipchart.
Ask for definitions of coaching, and see if people can come to quick
agreement on a good one.

Step 7: Distribute Handout 42.1, Finding the Milestones in Your Career Life,and
provide these instructions:

“On the grid, place sticky notes on years where you experienced some
kind of high point in your career development. They will be your
milestone markers.”
If you had a coach who helped you with this achievement, add his/her

Now write a journal entry, answering these questions:
 Now that you have identified major milestones in your career, how
important was coaching to your career growth and success?

 What kind of coach best meets your needs?

Step 8: Now it’s time to look at how coaching styles differ from one another.
Distribute Handout 42.2, Coaching Style,and go over the advantages and
disadvantages of these styles:
Directive coaching style
Nondirective coaching style

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