Trainer’s Notes for Activity 45
Step 1: Introduce the activity by clarifying the difference between a mentor and
a protégé:
A Mentor facilitates the personal and professional growth of an
individual by sharing the knowledge and insights that have been
learned through the years. The mentor sees the potential in a less-
experienced person, and helps to guide that individual along a
professional path. The mentor serves as the protégé’s role model
and champion.
A Protégé is an achiever groomed for advancement: He or she is
provided with opportunities to excel beyond the limits of her/his
Identify the importance of having a mentor by pointing out successful
leaders who have publicly acknowledged their mentors. Tell your own
story of having a mentor.
Step 2: Talk about other examples of leaders and their mentors and the benefits
that come from having a model. Refer to the posters. Ask participants
about their own mentors. Then ask whether anyone has had a career
Possible benefits:
You can move forward faster.
You will definitely increase your network.
You might have the opportunity to work on challenging and
interesting projects.
You will have a smoother transition into unfamiliar territory.
Your credibility is increased because of your association with
your mentor.
You might gain a good colleague or friend.
You can learn how to be a mentor.
You can expand your generosity.