Step 3: Distribute Handouts 45.1, Are You Ready to Be a Protégé?,and 45.2, Roles
and Responsibilities of Protégés and Mentors.Discuss the roles and
responsibilities of a protégé. Use the Handout 45.2. Then ask participants
to complete Handout 45.1 before the next step.
Step 4: Distribute Handout 45.3, A Plan for Finding a Mentor,and go over seven
steps in the process:
- Identify what you need (privately).
- Review the characteristics most frequently found in mentors and rank
their importance to you (privately). - Evaluate and select what you are looking for in a mentor.
Have participants get into groups of 3 for this next step: - Create a list of potential mentors. One by one, each person explains
what he or she is looking for in a mentor. The members of the group
should help her/him identify some potential mentors.
After each person has at least a short list of potential mentors,
reassemble and open up the discussion to the total group. Ask anyone
who is stuck trying to create a pool of candidates to summarize what
she/he is looking for so that more suggestions can be gathered. - Participants should then apply their own list of criteria about what
they want in a mentor to the list of potential mentors. - Now have participants form pairs to learn how to approach
prospective mentors and sell yourself to these prospective mentors
(Step #7). One person plays the role of the mentor, while the other
practices how to approach a prospective mentor using the ideas on
their handout. Then they switch roles. Each provides feedback on the
approach used by the other person. Take a few minutes with the
whole group to summarize what was learned.
Step 5: Review the items participants identified as being important to them in
this kind of relationship. They should be made a part of the mentor-
protégé agreement. Then draw up a sample agreement on the flipchart,
using input from participants. Explain that they should have a draft
proposal ready to discuss with their new mentor. Give them time to
rough one out. Suggest that they put the final agreement in writing.