Luznmiyymt (al-Macarrl) 73, 77, 78
lyricism 112–14; elegiac 142–43, 144
al-Macarrl, Abnal-‘Alm2, 10, 21, 39,
41, 42, 59; exile 84; imagery 71;
innovative techniques 39–40;
objectifications by Adnnls 78–80;
poetics 76–78; rejection of hereditary
succession 41; textual apprenticeship
84; treatment/readings by cAbd
al-Xabnr 71–73; treatment/readings
by al-Baymtl74, 75–76, 156, 192,
205–06, 232–33; treatment/readings
by al-Jawmhirl70, 247, 248
Machado, Antonio 206
Mahjar poets 14, 19
al-Mahzaml, cAbdullmh Ibn A.mad 132
al-Malm’ikah, Nmzik 11, 19–20, 52,
56–57; experimentation 34–35;
poetic strategies 85–86
“Manfm” (Exile) (Nmxir) 50–52
al-Maqmli., ‘Abd al-‘Azlz 259–60
“Marthiyyah ilmNmzim >ikmat”
(Elegy to Nazim Hikmet)
(al-Baymtl) 199
“Marthiyyah” (Elegy) (Ynsuf ) 150
“Marthiyyat al-ayymm al-.m,irah”
(“Elegy for the Time at Hand”)
(Adnnls) 179
Marwmn Ibn Abl>afsah 132
Ma’smt al->allmj(Murder in Baghdad)
mask 31–34, 38, 46, 54, 74, 75, 78, 82,
86, 92, 99, 192, 208, 209, 262–63
Al-Masra.wa- al-marmym(Stage and
Mirrors) (Adnnls) 79
mawmll 117
Mawmqif(Stations) (journal) 56
al-Mawxill, Ishmq 137
Mawsim al-hijrah ilmal-shamml(Season of
Migration to the North) (al-Yayyib
Xmlih) 123–25
“Mawt Al-Mughannl” (The Death of
the Singer) (Sa’ld) 112
mediatory poetics 239, 248–59
“Medlnat al-Sindbmd” (City of Sinbad)
(al-Sayymb) 106–07
memory 234–35; and exile 182–86
meters: traditional 122
migration 164, 171, 174, 177; see also
exile/exilic poetry
“Mi.nat Ablal-cAlm’ ” (The Ordeal
of Ablal-cAlm’ al-Macarrl)
(al-Baymtl) 75–76
Mihymr the Damascene (fictitious
character) 65, 80, 99, 191
“Mir’mt Ablal-cAlm’ ” (The Mirror of
Abnal-cAlm’ al-Macarrl) (Adnnls) 79
modernity 23; Arabic usage 15–16; as
a constant 60–64, 71; critical efforts
11–13; efforts to found new tradition
34–37; emergency of 9–10; impact
of expatriatism 169; nationalist
critiques 23–24; new concerns
and preoccupations 27–28;
non-conformist poetics 28–29;
technical artificiality 10–11
A Mountainous Journey: A Poet’s
Autobiography(Ynqmn) 16–20
“Al-mu‘,ilah” (The Problem)
(Sa‘ld) 114–15
“Al-Muhmjir” (“The Émigré”)
(Ynsuf) 181
Mu.ammad, AbnBakr 130
Muhammad, Prophet 95, 150, 180,
multivoicing 32, 91; dramatic 128
“Al-Musmfir” (The Traveler) (Sa’ld) 182
“Musmfir bilmhaqm’ib” (Traveler without
Baggage) (al-Baymtl) 195
Muslim Ibn al-Walld 2, 10, 60
mutadmrik 122
al-Mu‘tamid Ibn ‘Abbmd 21–22
al-Mutanabbl, Abnal-Yayyib 2, 21,
39, 40, 41–42, 72, 94, 147, 149,
245; exile 84; al-Jawmhirl’s
identification with 69, 70;
plagiarisms 42, 43; self-
aggrandizement 134–35;
transgression and revolt 42;
treatment/readings by Adnnls
157–58; treatment/readings by
al-Baymtl74–75; treatment/
readings by al-Jawmhirl 70
“Al-Mutanabbl’s Voyage into Egypt”
(Darwlsh) 95
mutaqmrib 122
Muyrmn, Khalll8