immigrant intelligentsia 171–72
Imru’ al-Qays 2, 20, 64, 246, 259;
comparison with al-Sayymb 255–56;
identification of Bennls with 2–3
Inanna (mythological character) 108–09
“Indammqataltu .ubbl” (When I killed
My Love) (al-Malm’ikah) 34–35
innovation 10–11, 36–37, 56, 59, 79,
91, 239, 242
Iraq 255, 256–60
irony 50–52
“Ishrmqmt Yarafah Ibn al-Wardah,”
Epiphanies/Illuminations of Yarafah
Ibn al-Wardah 99–102
Islam: rehabilitation 6–7
Jabrm, JabrmIbrmhlm 11, 55, 139; on
Eliot’s influence 47–48; on qasldah
44–45; tradition and modernity
dialectics 57–58
Jmhillode 240–41, 244
Jmhln, Xalmh 193
Jannb (South) (mythological character)
“Jarlmah flGhirnmyah” (A Murder in
Granada) (Aflfl) 145
Jmsim, cAzlz al-Sayyid 178–79, 180,
181, 260–62
Jawmd, Kmzim 56, 112–13
al-Jawmhirl, Mu.ammad Mahdl57,
68–69; homecoming 176–77;
treatment/readings of al-Macarrl70,
247, 248; treatment/readings of
precursors 69–71
Jayyusi, S. K. 55
al-Jm.iz, AmrnIbn ‘Uthmmn11
al-Junayd 246
“Al-Jur.” (The Wound) (al-Baymtl)
juxtaposition 50, 52, 103–36, 140,
153, 206
Kahf, Mohja 97–99
“Al-Kahf” (The Cave) (>mwl) 186
“Kalimmt shubh khmxxah” (Words
Semiprivate) (Ynsuf) 181
kmmil 122
Kmn Kmn119–21, 123
“Kmn Ymmmkmn” (Once Upon a Time)
(>addmd) 121
Karlm, Fawzl 88
“Al-Kawmsir” (The Rapacious, or Birds
of Prey) (>addmd) 102–03
al-Kmziml, Rabmb20
khaflf 122
al-Khml, Ynsuf 32, 55, 59, 61, 135,
139; dedication to Pound 143–44
al-Khalll Ibn A.mad 1
“Khuyab al-dictmtnr al-mawznnah” (The
Rhymed Orations of the Dictator)
(Darwlsh) 89
Al-Kitmb (The Book) (Adnnls) 85,
86–87, 157
“Kitmbah calmqabr al-Sayymb” (“Writing
on al-Sayymb’s Tomb”) (al-Baymtl)
Kitmb al-Ba.r(The Book of the Sea)
(al-Baymtl) 215
Kitmb wa-al-Hadmym(The Book
of Presents and Gifts) 130, 131
Koestler, Arthur 184
“Lughatun” (A Language) (Bennls) 111
“L’ Akhdar Ben Youssef Wrote His Last
Poem” (Ynsuf ) 92–95
“Lan Abkl” (I Won’t Cry) (Ynqmn)
language 13, 14, 37, 60, 90, 111–15,
“The Language of Sin” (Adnnls) 48
Lmrm(fictitious character) 151, 212–13,
215, 224
“The Last Letter to My Son”
(Hikmet) 105
leftist poetics 62
legitimacy: poetics of 241–43, 246
“Li-cMzar cmm 1962” (Lazarus 1962)
(>mwl) 150–51
Lismn al-Dln Ibn al-Khaylb 260
literary criticism: imitativeness and
dormancy 62; modernist efforts
loneliness 94, 185, 193, 195, 196, 212,
215, 217
Lorca, Federico Garcia 15, 39, 192,
202, 206, 208, 210, 223, 224;
dedications 144–46; popularity 145
“lost generation” 169
“Lughat al-khayl’ah” (“The Language
of Sin”) (Adnnls) 35