The Brothers Karamazov

(coco) #1

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other world. That, they say, is a material proof, so to speak,
of the existence of another world. The other world and
material proofs, what next! And if you come to that, does
proving there’s a devil prove that there’s a God? I want to
join an idealist society, I’ll lead the opposition in it, I’ll say I
am a realist, but not a materialist, he he!’
‘Listen,’ Ivan suddenly got up from the table. ‘I seem to
be delirious... I am delirious, in fact, talk any nonsense you
like, I don’t care! You won’t drive me to fury, as you did last
time. But I feel somehow ashamed... I want to walk about
the room.... I sometimes don’t see you and don’t even hear
your voice as I did last time, but I always guess what you are
prating, for it’s I, I myself speaking, not you. Only I don’t
know whether I was dreaming last time or whether I really
saw you. I’ll wet a towel and put it on my head and perhaps
you’ll vanish into air.’
Ivan went into the corner, took a towel, and did as he
said, and with a wet towel on his head began walking up
and down the room.
‘I am so glad you treat me so familiarly,’ the visitor be-
‘Fool,’ laughed Ivan, ‘do you suppose I should stand on
ceremony with you? I am in good spirits now, though I’ve
a pain in my forehead... and in the top of my head... only
please don’t talk philosophy, as you did last time. If you
can’t take yourself off, talk of something amusing. Talk gos-
sip, you are a poor relation, you ought to talk gossip. What
a nightmare to have! But I am not afraid of you. I’ll get the
better of you. I won’t be taken to a mad-house!’

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