C, 8-9
C development cycle, 14
C extension, 11
C#, 9, 766-769
compilers, 771-773
creating Web applications, 776-777
displaying information, 774-776
dot operator, 767
encapsulation, 767
extension (.cs), 771
inheritance, 767
keywords, 768-769
polymorphism, 767
compiling, 772
creating, 771-773
executing, 771
types of, 770
source code, compiling, 772
versus other languages, 769
C# ECMA standards, 766
C++, 9, 698-699
“Hello World” program, 650
base classes, 690
building, 690-692
inheriting from, 693-696
cin object, 660
classes, 674
access member functions, 680-683
accessing classes within, 689
as data members, 688
constructors, 684-686
data access, 675
destructors, 684-686
inheritance, 689-690
private data, 676
protected data, 677
public data, 675
setting access type, 677-679
versus structures, 683
compared to C, 640
compared to Java, 641
complex structures, 666
functions, 667-673
data types, 653
declaring variables, 653
encapsulating, 634-635
encapsulating data, 635
function overloading, 686
default parameter values, 656-658
overloading, 655-656
inheritance, 636, 689-690
building base classes, 690-692
constructor/destructor order of operation,
inheriting from base classes, 693-696
protected access data modifier, 692
subclass constructors, 695-696
inline functions, 658, 661
keywords, 652
member operator (.), 673
OOP constructs, 687
operations, 655
polymorphism, 631-634
printing, 651
program types, 640
reserved words, 791
sample program, 636, 639
subclasses, 690
constructors, 695-696
calculating mortgage payments, 561-563
calling functions, 101-102, 115-118, 406
calloc() function, 574-575
linked lists, 420
carriage-return linefeed (CR-LF), 440
case sensitivity, 798-800
case sensitivity 897
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