Social Media Marketing_ 7 books - Charles Edwards

(Budkaster2723) #1

of the story, in some way. Your first video tells the world who you are, why
you’re doing what you’re doing and why they should watch you.

Your story will be an integral part of every video you make. Know who you
are and what your purpose is. Stay true to yourself and your mission and your
audience will love you.

C. Be Authentic
There are a million and one bland, cookie-cutter, generic YouTube channels
with a few hundred subscribers. These channels are hosted by people who are
afraid that speaking their truth will rock the boat and they’ll get criticized.
Guess what? They’re right! Guess what else? Playing it safe does not make a
successful YouTube channel. I have been saying the same thing to business
owners for years: you can’t have success without risk!

Do you want to be free of criticism and risk or do you want to have a
successful YouTube Channel? You can’t have both!
The most successful YouTubers speak their truth; they aren’t afraid to stir the
pot and challenge people. Sure, you’re going to get haters (trust me, I know),
but you will either have to find a way to deal with that or forget about being a
success on YouTube. AUTHENTICITY sells.

I’m not saying you should air your dirty laundry and drag your skeletons out
of the closet to share with the world. What I AM saying is that whatever
message or purpose you’re compelled to deliver, do it authentically. If you
find yourself holding back, white-washing, or diluting yourself or your
message, chances are you’re leaving opportunity on the table.

Be Interesting! Be funny, quirky, geeky, cute, irreverent, controversial or
independent...but whatever you do, don’t be boring!

D. What Is Your Channel’s Theme?
What kind of channel are you creating? Will it be a how-to channel, with
videos and advice for Do-it-Yourselfers? Will it be a travel Vlog? Will it be
inspirational or spiritual in nature? Will you tell stories? Share cautionary
tales? Share your philosophies on life? Or a combination of all of these?

Know this before you shoot your first video! Be clear about your intentions

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