Learn How to Brand Your Platforms
First, you need to learn how to brand the platforms that you have chosen to
be on when it comes to the online space. Learning how to customize your
profiles so that you can create quick brand recognition is important, as you
know, so you need to focus on creating this across every platform that you
are going to be spending time on. Since there are so many different
configurations that can be made on each platform, I have created a guide of
what is important to integrate across all platforms, as well as some platform-
specific information for all of the major platforms.
For All Platforms
Each platform that you are on needs to have a similar aesthetic going on
compared to your other profiles to ensure that people can easily recognize
you across various platforms. This means that your profile pictures, profile
header images, and any images that you share on your actual profile itself all
need to have a similar aesthetic. They should share similar colors, elements,
and qualities to make it look as though they are all thoughtfully designed to
go together in a way that clearly expresses your brand to your audience.
In addition to your graphics being similar, you also want to use the same
username across all profiles to ensure that people can easily find you
anywhere online. Having different usernames everywhere can make it
confuse for people to find you as they struggle to locate where you are online,
which can make it challenging for you to grow your audience across multiple
platforms. Rather than having your existing audience easily locate you
elsewhere, you will have to rebuild from scratch on every single platform,
which is ineffective at best.
Finally, make sure that your bio and any other written content you share on
the platform is similar, too. You want to make sure that the language you use
is similar across all platforms so that your audience gets the same message
from you everywhere. This is going to ensure that you come across as
authentic and consistent online, allowing you to continue attracting the same
target audience everywhere and contributing content to support that target
audience across all of your platforms.