Social Media Marketing_ 7 books - Charles Edwards

(Budkaster2723) #1

Chapter 5. Relationship Marketing

Relationship Marketing is a method of marketing a company’s goods and
services directly to consumers. Rather than spending millions upon millions
of dollars trying to differentiate themselves from every other company and
product in the marketplace an RM company works directly with distributors
who are interested in their products. The RM business opportunity arises
when distributors share the product and opportunity with those with whom
they have or develop a relationship.

Monies the RM company would have directed to advertising, sales and
distribution in the traditional system are instead channeled into supporting
their expanding customer and distributor base.

A legitimate RM company understands that long-term relationships built with
their current distributors and customers will lead to many more folks
purchasing the company’s products and joining the company for the RM
opportunity. They do everything possible to support customers and
distributors and to have maximum commissions and bonuses in order to
attract other like-minded customers and distributors.

The Relationship Marketing business model is built on people’s relationships
and designed for an individual’s success.

Relationship Marketing is an exciting business. It has the Power for anyone,
regardless of current income, education, geographic location, ethnicity,
gender, or limited financial resources, to provide long-term security for
themselves and their family. Relationship Marketing is not a quick way to
wealth. For those willing to work hard and assist others to build their dreams
the rewards will far exceed any dream they may have imagined.

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