Modern American Poetry

(Sean Pound) #1
Index 499

297, 299, 302, 305
Poems (Eliot), 258, 263
Poems (Moore), 267, 461
Poems (Williams), 460
Poems About God (Ransom), 461
human doubleness theme in, 262
“Poems of Our Climate, The”
(Stevens), 10
“Poem with Rhythms” (Stevens),
“Poet, The” (Emerson), 3, 100
Poetry (magazine), 274, 363
founding, 460
“Poetry” (Moore), 49, 265
Poetry and the Age (Jarrell), 464
“Poetry of Amy Lowell, The”
(Frost), 190
Poirier, Richard, 322, 466
on the comparison of Frost and
Stevens, 167–94
on Frost’s realistic vision of
limitations, 167–94
Pollock, Jackson
Lavender Mist, 463
“Ponds, The” (Frost), 191
“Poor, The” (Williams), 11
Poor Richard’s Almanac(Franklin), 61
Port of New York(Rosenfeld), 264
“Portrait of a Lady” (Williams)
paradoxical self-portrait in,
90–91, 147
satire in, 145
Portrait of the Artist as a Young Man,
A(Joyce), 291, 294, 461
“Possessions” (Crane), 356–58, 362
“Postcard from the Volcano, A”
(Stevens), 178
Pound, Ezra, 152, 435
ABC of Reading, 18, 462
birth, 459
Cantos of Ezra Pound, The, 53–58,
61, 64–65, 68, 198, 214, 259

Canzoni, 460
Cathay, 53, 57
death, 464
Des Imagistes, 460
A Draft of XXX Cantos, 199, 259,
Emerson’s influence on, 16, 18
“E.P. Ode Pour L’Election de son
Sepulchre,” 57, 66–67
“Gentildonna,” 57
Homage to Sextus Propertius, 53,
Hugh Selwyn Mauberley, 53,
55–57, 62–66, 68, 253–54,
259–60, 269, 409, 461
influences of, 11, 200, 273,
363–65, 380
influences on, 14–18, 53–69
Lustra and Other Poems, 56–57,
Make It New, 15
“Medallion,” 67
modernist style of, 19, 22, 144,
257–58, 261, 271, 396, 405,
407, 410
“The Needle,” 57
“A Pact,” 15–16, 196–97
Personae: Collected Poems, 53,
55–57, 460
The Pisan Cantos, 14–18, 57–58,
225, 463
politics, 14
Ripostes, 57
Rock Drill, 464
Thrones, 464
Whitman’s influence on, 14–18,
“Power” (Emerson), 2, 4
Practical Criticism(Richards), 258
Pragmatism(James, W.), 460
“Praise for an Urn” (Crane, H.),
273, 302
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