500 Index
“Prayer of Columbus” (Whitman),
“Preludes” (Wordsworth), 159–65,
168, 187–88
“Procession” (Tate), 300
“Proem: To a Brooklyn Bridge”
(Crane, H.), 25–26, 362
promise in, 77–78, 80
quest in, 79, 276
setting in, 78
Protestant Ethic and the Birth of
Capitalism, The (Weber), 460
“Provide, Provide” (Frost), 181
Prufrock and Other Observations
(Eliot), 159, 259, 273, 344, 351,
356–59, 411, 461
Pynchon, Thomas
The Crying of Lot 49, 464
“Quaker Hill” (Crane, H.), 76
“Queen-Ann’s-Lace” (Williams)
discriminative consciousness of,
montage of, 92–93
Quicksand (Larsen), 462
Rage for the Lost Penny, The (Jarrell),
“Rain” (Williams), 108–9
“Raleigh Was Right” (Williams), 11
Ranson, John Crowe, 19, 261
birth, 459
characters, 263
Chills and Fever, 262, 461
God Without Thunder, 462
Poems About God, 262, 461
Selected Poems, 262
Two Gentlemen in Bonds, 262
“Recitative” (Crane, H.), 362
“Red Clay Blues” (Hughes)
the blues in, 401
Red Roses for Bronze (H.D.), 369–71
“Red Wheelbarrow, The”
(Williams), 99–100
Renascence and Other Poems(Millay),
“Repose to Rivers” (Crane, H.), 282,
303–6, 362
“Resolution and Independence”
(Wordsworth), 23
Reznikoff, Charles
Jerusalem, 462
Rhythms, 461
“Rhapsody on a Windy Night”
(Eliot), 153, 159–63, 295, 411
Rhythms(Reznikoff), 461
Richards, I.A.
Practical Criticism, 258
on The Wasteland, 143, 255
Riethmuller, Richard Henry
Walt Whitman and the Germans,
“Right of Way, The” (Williams)
humorous realism in, 99
Rimbaud, Arthur, 273
Illuminations, 266
Ripostes (Pound), 57
“River, The” (Crane, H.), 282, 295,
352, 354
“River of Rivers in Connecticut,
The” (Stevens), 236
Robert Frost: The Later Years
(Thompson), 311
Robert Frost: A Study in Sensibility and
Good Sense(Munson), 178
Robert Frost: The Years of Triumph
(Thompson), 311
Robinson, Edwin Arlington, 270,
birth, 459
Browning’s influence on, 2
Captain Craig and Other Poems, 1,
4, 460
The Children of the Night, 1–3