Electricity & Electronic Workbooks

(Martin Jones) #1

DC Fundamentals Unit 11 – Potentiometers and Rheostats

Exercise 1 – The Rheostat.........................................................................................................


When you have completed this exercise, you will be able to vary current by using a rheostat. You
will verify your results with a multimeter.


  • A rheostat is a variable resistor connected in series with a load and is used to control the
    current flow through the load.

  • A three-terminal potentiometer can be configured as a rheostat.

  • The LINEAR/NONLINEAR VARIABLE RESISTOR circuit block consists of two variable
    resistors (R2A and R2B).

  • R2A is a linear pot, while R2B is a log pot; both are at the maximum resistance setting when
    the wiper is turned fully counter clockwise (CCW).












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