Electricity & Electronic Workbooks

(Martin Jones) #1

Digital Logic Fundamentals Unit 5 – Flip-Flops

  • Placing the switch to RESET (R) puts a low at input B2. A low at either input of NAND gate

B causes a high output (Q).

• Because Q connects to input A2 of NAND gate A, the two high inputs at gate A cause a low

output (Q).

  • Because Q connects to input B1 of NAND gate B, input B1 is low.

• When the RS flip-flop is reset, the Q output is low and the Q output is high.

• When the switch is open, output Q remains high and output Q remains low because of the


• NAND gate B has a low input that is required for a high output (Q), and NAND gate A has

two high inputs that are required for a low output (Q).

• The RS flip-flop latches to the RESET condition (high Q and low Q) until the switch is

placed in the SET position.

  • When the position of a switch changes, it bounces (makes and breaks contact) a few times
    before making permanent contact.

• Because the Q and Q outputs of an RS flip-flop become latched to a fixed state at initial

switch contact to SET or RESET, switch bouncing does not affect the flip-flop output state.

  • An RS flip-flop buffers a circuit from the effect of switch bouncing; the RS flip-flop can be
    used to debounce a switch contact.

• Switch bouncing does not change the RS flip-flop output state because Q and Q become

latched on initial contact to SET or RESET, and the NAND gates are cross-coupled.

  • A high at the SET and RESET inputs (1,1) after setting or resetting the flip-flop represents
    placing the switch in the open position.

  • Placing the switch in the open position after SET or RESET does not change the output state.

  • This RS flip-flop circuit cannot have a low at the SET and RESET inputs simultaneously
    because of the switch arrangement.

• However, if a low were put at both the SET and RESET inputs, Q and Q would be high. This

state is prohibited because complementary outputs are desired.

  • Putting a high to the SET and RESET inputs following the prohibited output state (two

highs) causes a race condition between the Q and Q outputs to an indeterminate

complementary output condition.

  • Putting a low at the SET and RESET inputs is prohibited in an RS flip-flop circuit because

complementary outputs (Q and Q) are desired.

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