How to Win the Job by Communicating with Confidence

(Marcin) #1

Straightforward questions, 93–99
Strategy vs. memorization, 13
Stress questions, 108–114
Suits, 85, 86
Surgeon, 29

Technical stress questions,
“Tell me about yourself,” 94
Ties, 85
Tone, 118

Values assessment, 147–149
Van Gogh, Vincent, 69
author’s own story, 6–8
Carlos (values assessment/
evaluating offers), 149–150
Christine (imposter syndrome),
Holly (career change), 21–22
interviews (seeSample interviews)
Leticia (salary negotiations—
good result), 133
Marie (generalities), 17–19
Pat (salary negotiations—
good result), 140

Vignettes (Cont.):
Stephan (salary negotiations—
good result), 128–129
Tanya (values assessment/
evaluating offers), 148–149
Thomas (salary negotiations—
poor result), 128–129
Tim (freezing up), 11

Waiting room, 82–83
Web sites:
Hoovers, 65
Occupational Outlook Handbook, 33
one-stop career centers, 61
salary negotiations, 130
What-if questions, 105–108
Women’s attire, 86–87
accessories, 87
dress/suit, 86–87
hair, 87
jewelry, 87
makeup, 87
pants, 86
pantyhose, 87
shoes, 86
Workaholic, 110–111
Wristwatch, 86
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