Confrontation maximizes cooperation. Confrontation says
things like, “Terry, let’s work together on this problem.” Criticism,
by contrast, says threatening, unproductive things like, “It’s your
problem. You better deal with it ... fast!”
Confrontation is a specialized form of encouraging — a
positive experience. Criticism is almost always viewed (especially
by the person who receives it) as a negative action. Some
behaviors do need to change — but change can and should be an
encouraging prospect ... not a discouraging one.
The Five-Step Confrontation Process ................................................................
A positive attitude is especially important when you confront
a problem employee. As we discussed earlier, the purpose of
confrontation is to correct and help the person behave in a more
acceptable manner. It is positive, not negative, and never harsh!
Confrontation may never be the most pleasant thing in the world
for you to do, but you can make it a lot easier — and less
emotional — by applying a five-step confrontation technique to
your sessions.
- Be honest.
- Take the initiative.
- Time the confrontation well.
- Mean what you say.
- Be human.
Be Honest
Don’t beat around the bush. You’re not doing anyone any
favors if you distort the truth to save feelings. You should be
conscious of feelings, but not immobilized by them. Resist the
temptation to talk about anything else (the weather, the economy,
Coaching, Mentoring and Managing
When the great
help the small,
both are just the
right size.