The Counselor Role: Confrontation and Correction
Critical Remark Positive Remark
Didn’t you hear me tell Was there something about
you not to do that? my directions that might have
been unclear?
I can’t believe you Let’s look at what happened
actually did that! and try to figure out what
went wrong.
Why are these things
always happening to you? _____
Nobody else ever has
those problems. _____
What will it take to
make you understand? _____
If this doesn’t stop, we’re going
to have a real problem. _____
How can I give you a
raise when these
kinds of things happen? _____
I’ve really had it with you. _____
If you can’t get a handle on
this, we’ll have to find
someone who can. _____
Why can’t you do it the
way Bob does? _____